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This application has been modified and not work anymore xtm miracle thunder 2.82 solved
hello friends today I will share with you how to fix
this application has been modified and does not work anymore gsm x team miracle thunder 2.82 workings without a dongle
first, delete the gsm x team miracle thunder 2.82 folder
if you are not able to delete the miracle 2.82 folder
just restart your computer
and try again
now download miracle 2.82 workings without a box
given link below
after download the miracle box
extract with latest 7zip below
after extract the miracle thunder 2.82
just install it
after installing the miracle thunder 2.82
open run as admin
wait 20 second
now your problem was solved
when you face the same again the problem after two or three days
just repeat above step
miracle thunder 2.82 workings without a dongle
watch a video tutorial here